Sunday, April 14, 2013

Flat Kelly's Brush with the Red Carpet

Continued adventures with Elaine, where Flat Kelly got to live out one of Real Kelly's biggest fantasies and walked the red carpet... well, the best she could considering FK doesn't have legs. 

On another occasion, FK attended the second season kick-off event for Bomb Girls, a t.v. show about women who worked in the munitions factory during WW2. The town of Ajax came to be due to Defense Industries Limited (DIL) setting up shop and becoming a major contributor to the Allies war effort. It was staffed primarily by women and the town grew around it and from it. So FK became interested in the Bomb Girls series and attended the event. While Meg Tilly and Rosie O'Donnell (some of the actors on the show) weren't in attendance, she did meet some of the other actors and some real live original Bomb Girls who'd worked in the factory back in the day. FK also met some local firefighters who showed up after the popcorn machine set off the fire alarms. FK thought they were pretty hot. And, FK had her red carpet moment.

Flat Kelly on the red carpet! 

FK attended the event with Elaine and her friend Lainey, and they enjoyed a trip to Starbucks and a wander through Chapters (which is a lot like a Borders store.)  This was FK's second visit to a Canadian bookstore, but she had been kicked out of Coles the previous week for trying to take pictures (whoops! Flat Kelly didn't mean to get anyone in trouble...) 

Because you just can't go wrong with Starbucks! 

Maybe one day Real Kelly's books will be on those shelves! 

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